Otherwise it, and the rogue in general, are kind of meh.
So you can grenade or trap groups to death without any involvement of the rest of your group). Stealth does have tactical stuff to it, but it's mostly in the cheating kind of way(one of the Stealth talents allows you to use items and stay stealth. Why am I posting on rpg.net rather then playing? Well, I had to go to work shortly after the download finished, and so it's going to be another long eight hours before I can actually make a character. It turns out that my fake-graphics-card is fine, Mass Effect just sucks, but Dragon Age uses 1337 and efficient coding. Why am I only playing this game now? After a bad experience with Mass Effect, I had assumed that my poor little GMA processor simply couldn't handle any of the newer BioWare games. Does the game manage to make them about more then hitting things with big sticks?
Does the game make magic fun? Are there support and utility spells, or are mages mostly boom mages? Does the game deal with the metaphysics of magic? Does the game make stealth fun? Are there quests you can resolve through stealth? If you sneak past random encounters, are you then forced to fight the boss without the necessary experience? Does stealth have interesting tactical interactions? I just downloaded Dragon Age: Origins which class should I play?