Battle brothers best backgrounds

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May have a dispute with another monk, both can gain +1 and an injury.Can stop 2 hedge knights from killing each other.Can try to remove dumb trait from a brother.May calm down another recruit creating troubles while in town.May turn a flagellant brother into a peaceful flagellant.May remove the ailing trait from another brother.( Cultist vs Old Gods) ( Cultist Origin vs Old Gods) Can start a fight with a cultist brother.Can gain +1-3 and injure himself by scaring off the alp.May be turned into a peaceful flagellant by a monk and stops hurting himself from now on.A butcher can show the flagellant how he could hurt himself even more for +2 and an injured shoulder.May start an event where he wounds himself and disheartens fellow brothers.May start an event where he wounds himself.May turn a monk brother into a monk turned flagellant.Can gain you a Qatal Dagger and a good mood.Can read The Black Book, become Mad and get a good mood.( Cultist Origin Flock) ( Sacrificed Man) Can get all cultists a good mood and brothers of southern ethnicity, Superstitious or Mad brothers get a bad mood.Can start a fight with a monk or flagellant brother.May take part in a series of dark rituals and gain you the aspect of davkul armor ( Cultist Finale) aswell as the glimpse of davkul helmet.( Cultist vs Uneducated) ( Cultist Origin vs Uneducated)